CrackSin Snaps Square Space Grid Function Templates - Cracksin Snaps
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Tuesday 18 June 2013

You all know I don't do very many sponsored blog posts here on CSS-Tricks. But when Squarespace reached out about doing some advertising for their new version 6 I was bummed to tell them there is nothing open (I had just removed an ad zone from the sidebar to clean things up a smidge). So I thought heck, let's do a blog post about it which will give me a chance to say what I want to say about it and also introduce the new Squarespace in a more detailed way. So yes: this is a sponsored post but they are my words (they wouldn't even give me talking points) and it's my choice.

Cracksin Snaps

It is a web app for building websites. You don't write any code. You use their super slick interface for designing the site and managing the content.

They have just released "Squarespace 6", a kind of reboot to the app. I think it's much nicer than the previous iterations. In this latest version, the things that it makes sense to do while looking at a live preview of your site, you do while looking at a live preview of your site. The things that make more sense to do while looking at an admin screen of sorts, you do in an admin screen. I feel like previous iterations forced more into the live preview area.


Cracksin Snaps

Cracksin Snaps

Square Space

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